When Covid-19 cancelled everything back in March and the world came to a standstill, we had to use other ways to communicate with each other.
We all know that we have used a lot of Zoom, FaceTime and What’s App video calls to catch up with our friends, family and colleagues whether it be every day or once a week.
As well as personal use, these apps have also been used to allow us to take part in online training activities, business meetings and conferences all from the comfort of our own homes (internet connection permitting of course)!
Virtual events
It is going to be A LOT different to what we’re used to!
There will be no venue, no hotels to stay in, no transport to sort out or coffee breaks to catch up with each other in between BUT there would still be a set agenda with speakers and plenty of content and we would still get an opportunity to interact and meet with others online.
The planning that goes into these virtual events can take weeks or even months depending on the size and factors such as marketing, a website, registration etc… would all still need to be organised with added extras such as apps and online event guides.
Sponsorship will still be needed and branded items such as mugs, pens, notepads, headphones, laptop sleeves and any other promotional items could be sent out prior to the event so the attendees wouldn’t have to miss out on their much loved giveaways!
Delegate packs including various promotional items are also now available which can be sent directly to your delegates door ready for the event.
Is this the new norm?
There are lots of pros and cons to these online events and we know that they may not suit everybody but they are something that we may have to get used to in the future…
Will they become the new norm? Will the virtual world take over eventually?
It is hard for us to tell when the events industry, as we knew it, will be back to normal but whether it be a small in-person event or a huge virtual conference, we know there are ways to still keep the industry going!