With the Coronavirus vaccines now being rolled out up and down the country, we can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel!
Whilst our incredible UK Events Industry have been waiting patiently to be given the go ahead for face to face meetings, we at Nexus Collections have seen some fantastic and innovative virtual events which have helped to keep the Conference Industry alive!
Sponsorship revenue
Over the past few months, Nexus has seen an increase in enquiries for printed bags, promotional products and delegate packs for various virtual events which are happening this year.
Virtual events have supported the conference industry throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, and have ensured that networking, education, new business opportunities and sponsored brand awareness could still continue.
Nexus have created a diverse range of pre-packed boxes containing various conference items such as delegate information, promotional bags, delegate gifts and branded items which have been delivered directly to UK and European delegates in time for their event. This has meant that virtual events can still generate much needed revenue from selling sponsorship and raising branding awareness.
If you need help with your next virtual event, please get in touch with us today!
Face to face meetings
We are so looking forward to a time where face to face meetings can begin once more and although we will need to make some changes, the buzz of the conference hall feels so much closer now than in February 2020!
We can expect to see changes to the way face to face events are run such as, mandatory face coverings, social distancing measures, PPE stations and the all important hand shake being converted into an elbow bump.
This will soon become the new normal and by working together, we can grow our industry back into the economic goldmine it once was!